reverse hand position
My Grandson is almost 15 yrs. and swings right but with a reverse grip( left hand low ) His drives often are 250 yrds or more and he easily hits his 7 iron 150 yrds. He tried out for his high school J.V. team however the coach cut him even though he out scored the last two boys who made the team by 7 strokes in a 3 round tryout. He admitted that it was strictly due to the reverse grip. My Grandson has been able to play very well since he is "double jointed and can make a very full backswing and return the club to square. He is very similar to the scottesh boy Reese, who they call " tiny tiger " His scoring ranges from 43 to 50 on course of approx. 6200 yards playing from the white tees. Would appreciate your comments and advice.gel4g
Dear Don:
Thanks for asking this question. My son has played in High school team for two years, and I understand how your grand son is feeling about the result of try-out.
As you know, golf is very unique and personalized game. Swing form is different among many players, even among pro's.
Reverse grip is really new to me.
However, I strongly recommend you to have another consultant meeting with coach if your grandson has really a heart for golf. This is very important for him. Many golfers are using reverse grip for putting, and they are extremely successful.
Please keep being hopeful, and let coach know your grandson will do a great job!
Golf career