golf release
i went out today and shot 91 a 44 and 47 horrible toped shots and hooks i even shanked one so bad that it hit dirrectly on the hozzel but my driving distance was like 280 not ba chipping was great i had 4 chances for birdie and didnt make any of the putts i went back to my weaker grip hokked a litle with a 7 yard draw let me ask you from all of your years playing what is the most important thing you have ever learned like what do all of the pros swear by besides grip and stance cause i get that
Learn the fundamentals and practice them until you are sick of them. Every Tour player did it. So it's time for you to go get some help Joshua. Find a good PGA Professional in your area (make sure they are a PGA Pro), not your friends or relatives. If you want to fix your issues and start improving your game, you need a trained eye. A PGA Pro can guide you and coach you. I can offer tips and suggestions from an email like this, but you need a Professional who uses video and can get in there and work hard on your fundamentals. You need a lot of repetition....not try this and try that. You have a good swing, it's all just in the wrong order. That equals chaos and inconsistency. Good luck. If you need help finding a Pro, let me know where you live and I can check for you.
Eddie Kilthau
PGA Member
Putting Stroke
my golf swing