Match Play
My question is if in match play someone DQ themselves from playing their match with you. (person has gotten hurt)
Does the other player win even if it is the final match of the tournament?
I have a situation where the match play has gotten down
to two people. One person has suffered an injury and will not
be able to play. I have now been told be the golf pro I have to go back and play the loser of the opponents last tournament in order to win. I am not going to say anything since I am simply in a bad situation. However, I would like to know the correct answer
Let's first look at Rule 2-4 from the USGA web site.
2-4. Concession of Match, Hole or Next Stroke
A player may concede a match at any time prior to the start or conclusion of that match.
A player may concede a hole at any time prior to the start or conclusion of that hole.
A player may concede his opponent's next stroke at any time, provided the opponent's ball is at rest. The opponent is considered to have holed out with his next stroke, and the ball may be removed by either Side
According to the above rule if your opponent conceded his match to you based on an injury, you will have won the event in this case. That's how I interpret the rule.
Ask your Golf Pro about his/her decision.
Thanks for the question and congratulations,
Michael Hoffman
PGA Professional
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