score card
partner wrote my incorrect score on say hole 15 as 4 I had correct as marker 6 on my card - we both checked each score (partner failed to notice still had error) we both had correct TOTALS (even though partner had 4 incorrectly written, still managed to add to correct total) ?? we recorded CORRECT IN/OUT scores CORRECT total CORRECT handicap CORRECT NETT all ENTERED CORRECTLY ON bottom of card and transferred same Gross Nett H/Cap to top of card and SIGNED by both
THINK I HAVE READ SOMEWHERE IN THE RULES AS LONG AS CORRECT GROSS H/CAP NETT ALL GOOD and not trying to better score IS THIS CORRECT and if yes can you pls sent me rules
was third week of championship
Hi Dawn,
The Rules Committee of the competition is responsible for the application of the handicap and the addition of the score cards on the card. (Rule 33-5) The player is only responsible for making sure the correct handicap is recorded on the card and that the hole-by-hole scores are correct. (Rules 6-2 and 6-6b)
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
Ken Tannar
lost ball in a lateral hazard (red stakes)
grip size