Flat Wrist Naturally!!
I am just starting golf. Went for a couple of lessons with a coach, he started me off with a 45 degree swing plane.(think it is a one plane swing, he sorta showed me Ben Hogan's swing and said the arm and shoulder should be on one plane). What I don't understand is the flat wrist at the top of the swing, he said it is important. I have a strong grip, but I do not know how to get the flat wrist at the top of the swing naturally. When i concentrate on flattening the wrist as I swing back to the top, I do not hinge the wrist. When i hinge the wrist, I am unable to flatten the wrist. How does Hunter Mahan get a very flat wrist at the top? I have asked my coach and he said you need to consciously manipulate it which is affecting my consistency. Is there a way to flatten the wrist naturally? Thanks in advance!
HI Nic;
Actually your symptom is fairly common.
The fix is accomplished this way.
When you are aligning the club face and gripping the club.
1. Back of left hand and leading edge of clubface (done at eye level standing up)
2. Grip firm say on a scale of 1 - 10 say 7 (gripping firmer is how you eliminate wrist deflection)
3. Bend over take stance (single axis (45ish degrees) is great)
4. Sweep club back with both hands...not shoulders.
5. Check Position at the what would be 3 o'clock position or waist high, make sure wrists have not bent or cocked. If this is ok then continue on to top of back swing and check again. If this is ok then repeat 3 or four times being positive and affirming that yes you want this position at the top.
6. TRY IT ! Swing and send ball flying down fairway.
Best suggestion is to try this with a wedge first and work your way through the bag. Each club longer creates more leverage and also more force and this if you are not used to it is what causes the wrists too breakdown.
Hope this helps! For more tips sign up for my free tips at http://golfequation.com
Robb Nunn
PGA Professional
Golf Equation Swing Academy
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