practice to course
Hi Eddie, can you give me a tip or suggestion on how to take my practice swing with me when I leave that area and go to the first tee. I feel I'm using the same swing but the results are definitely not the same.
I am about an 10 hdcp but feel I should be about a 5.
Thanks for your time.
Hi Ken:
Hard question to answer, but here is what I know. Dr. Bob Rotella says that on the practice range, our brains are in "training" mode. We are hitting shots, working on whatever swing thought or thoughts we are working on, and if we mess up, it's OK, just pull up another ball and try again. No big deal. However, when we then go to the course, we must learn to switch to the "trusting" mode and ALLOW that motion to come out of us and just go play golf. It sounds like you are still playing golf swing instead of just playing golf. Easy for us to discuss Ken, hard to do. On the course, you need to be aware of your target and what it is you are trying to do. And what you are trying to do is to send that little white ball towards your target. And you use the club to do that with, so start visualizing and focusing on the target, see the ball flying exactly how you want it to fly, then take your golf club and produce that motion and watch it go. Don't think about "how" to do that, you already know how to do're a 10 handicap!. I like to use the phrase "see, feel, create" with my students. See it, feel it and then hit it! No time to think, just time to react to what it is you are trying to do. Try it, at some point Ken, you have to start trusting in yourself. All the work you've put into becoming a 10 handicapper needs to show up sometime...let it happen!
Eddie Kilthau
PGA Member
Driver differences
Becoming a better golfer