Breaking Through
Hi Michael, I want to improve my short game a lot the rest of this summer. Most of all, I want to break through to the next level that I know I can achieve. I have been shooting the same scores for almost a year now, and I am getting frustrated that I cannot break through. I would say putting and wedges from 50-120 yards is the weakest part of my game. I am currently a 1.7 handicap and I want to get down to a plus handicap at least by next summer. I am 18 and I am going to play golf at a community college this fall and spring. I am a consistent mid 70's player, but struggle breaking through and shooting low rounds. My lowest round is a 69 at my home course, which has a course rating of 69.4 . Is there anything mentally that I could try or anything in particular that would be holding me back from shooting lower rounds? Also I have a lot of available time to practice 7 days a week. How many hours a day would you suggest I practice to achieve my goals? I got to this level in my game without one single lesson from a professional. Is it time that I seek the help of a coach, or should I continue to push through on my own?
I appreciate your help, Thanks
First of all congratulations on having such a strong handicap. It is surprising to me that with a 1.7 handicap index your lowest round is a 69. It may be a comfort issue. How many times have you've been 4 or 5 over only to lose shots at the end of the round?
I believe that you should get yourself a PGA Professional to teach and coach you. He/she can also set your practice schedule with you. Also play in as many tournaments as you can. Casual golf is some much easier than competitive golf.
Best of luck with your college golf experience.
Breaking Thru
Top of the swing arm position