Our foursome was disqualified, because we had a hole circled as a birdie, but it was a par. It was an honest mistake. The card was signed and attested by the scorekeeper, and the hole scores were all correct, with the total scores for each nine and the total score was correct. We were given the reason for disqualification was the hole score was circled as a birdie yet it was not a birdie. The scorekeeper tried to erase the circle prior to posting the score(with an eraser pencil) but didn't get the circle around the number completely erased. There is no local rule, and the person disqualifying us, said it was a PGA rule .???????
Hi Jim:
BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Wrong Answer sayeth the rules expert.
Read the rules book. The rules only refer to the hole by hole score and nothing else.
You as the player are not even responsible for the addition of the scores. You are only responsible for the hole by hole and making sure it is correct.
You and your team ARE NOT DISQUALIFIED
Robb Nunn PGA Professional
Golf Equation Swing Academy.
PS...The rules of golf are NOT administered by the PGA. They are administered and directed by the USGA and the Royal and Ancient of St Andrews.
Good Times
Lost Ball