goodwin fly pole
Hi Rich
Just discovered a fly pole my father had stashed away for years before his passing. There is no ID on the shaft.
On the reel seat is "Made By Goodwin Granger Company" and underneath "Denver". There are no numbers that I can detect either. The rod is 9.5ft. in length with 2 end pieces intact. They are lodged in a long wood piece with a groove on two sides. The whole kit fits into a long green cloth sheath with 3 ties. The guides are a snake type. Guides are missing on the handle section and on the lower part of the middle section. The wraps are all in red. On the handle/reel section about mid point is a red band with 4 gold rings on either side.
I would like to have the pole restored to original condition with the correct bands etc.
Any suggestion, photos, etc. you could offer would most appreciated. I would love to know the vintage and grade of this pole.
Thanks so much
AnswerHi Doug - Very cool find there. I love that you want to restore it and fish it. However, I am not a Granger expert, I am Powell expert. There are several of the world's leading Granger experts all available in one place though. Go to this thread...
Get an ID and post photos and your questions on the rod and it's restoration. You will get more info than you could imagine from the Granger experts there. I hope that helps,