fly rod?
my dad gave me a fly rod( i think). i would like to know if it is worth anything?
its in a long round tube the lable says "makers of fine fishing tackle for over seventy years"
style battenkill
length 7' 2pc.
weight 3 1/4ozs.
price $50.00
Vibrations 140
line test HDH
the pole is the same shape as a pencil.. on the pole it says battenkill 0143, both pcs have little eye holes
the handle is cork with a metal threads maybe for a reel?
Yes it is worth something. Yes the metal threads are for a reel.
It was made by a fine old company called Orvis - been selling sporting goods since the civil war.
I have a serial number list from the Internet that has been confirmed by my experience with Orvis. But your rod's serial number 0143, is not in it. The serial number list is not all inclusive. Most of the Orvis rods I have heard about are not in it. It would tell us the specific individual rod maker's name and date. That helps when selling it.
If it is a bamboo and a fly rod then it is worth allot more. So bamboo would be shaped like a pencil with 6 flat sides. Fly rods have the reel below the handle. Is it a fly rod ? Does it have a total of 3 pieces , 2 tips , one butt section? Are they equal in length. Are the threads in good shape? How about the finish , chips or cracks ?
The length means it is a more valuable fly rod or a long spin with much less value.
HDH is the line weight , equivalent to 5 in modern terms , and points to your rod being a fly rod.
Value: Price Book: Antique & Collectible Fishing Reels: Identification, Evaluation & Maintenance Homel, & Jellison. 1996.
Homel gives the Orvis 7' model Battenkill fly rod, c1970, with an extra tip, 2 sections the value of $150, 300 and $550 for poor, good, excellent condition respectively.
I have found if you call Orvis 888-235-9763, they have a non digital , paper source with more complete serial numbers. I have also heard that if you ask for a value they will put you off but if you ask for age, maker, and model then you will get some help. With that information I might be able to pin down more information. Style Battenkill is probably your model name. They were made form 1963 to at least the 1970s and probably to today.
$50 prices tells me your rod was made in the 60s but it's just a guess , plus or minus 10 years.
Please let me know what you learn
Please provide feedback, nominations are appreciated.
Match pole to Zebco model 55
custom size cashing rods by Heddon Co