SouthBend 20-9
QUESTION: Wondering if you could help Identify this rod.
- South Bend Bait Company
- 20-9' hand painted in white in direction away from grip.
- South Bend logo stamped on rell seat below grip
- measures about 8 1/2 feet from top of grip to tip
- 4 pieces (two tips)
- no orignal bag or box
- Poor conidtion, missing first guide (closest to grip) many of the decirative bands onlong the shaft are coming loose andor missing
ANSWER: David,
Yes your rod is a South Bend, model #20 "Bill Stanley" fly rod
History of The South Bend Bait Co.:
According to Bamboo Rod Restoration Handbook by Michael Sinclair , your rod was made between 1926 and 1939.
The guide that is missing, closest to grip, is called the strip guide. It is not a snake guide and looks different from all the other guides.SOmetimes came with an agate or agatine insert - looking somewhat like a spin guide.
The action of your rod (from the model number 20 without a preceding digit) is Bass action(from Sinclairs book above).
This rod may be worth restoration , as Wes Jordon, a renown rod maker probably worked on it.
Price Book:
Antique & Collectible Fishing Rods: Identification & Value Guide Homel, Dan. 1997 (2nd edition 2000) add about 30% for age of book.
Homel gives the South Bend #20 9' "Bill Stanley" fly rod, with an extra tip, 3 sections the value of $50, 155 and $250 for poor, good, excellent condition respectively. But that seems low and I think I could get at least 300 in restored condition.
Please provide feedback, nominations are appreciated.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: What weight would this rod be? I.e. what weight of Line/Reel would I use
Most of the time a 9 footer takes 6 weight , however the guides are smaller than modern guides, the line diameter was smaller in the day. When I restore a rod , I had slightly larger guides to accommodate this and it shoots line just fine.
Please provide feedback, nominations are appreciated.