bamboo flyrod with reversible handle for spin fishing
My father has an old bamboo flyrod (can't tell what maker) that appears to have a reversible handle for use as a spin rod as well...I know he bought fishing equipment from L L Bean in the 50's and 60's...did they make such a rod or did anyone else make them around that time...
I don't think any one has the history of sales from LL Bean , you might contact them and see if they have some old catalogs.
LL sells not makes sporting goods, including bamboo rods in the day.
The one reversible rod I know from that era was Horrocks - Ibbotson Co. model Blackwater or Montague made the "Splitswitch". I have a Splitswitch in pieces in my rod work room.
I would say that 60 is too late for your rod and is probably 40s-50s.
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