Heddon #115 Premier 3/2 8.5 2f, as new
Looking for an estimate of market value on Heddon #115 Premier, 3/2 8.5' with 2f ferrules. It is as new; appears to never have been fished with pristine original bag and tube.
Your contributions here on allexperts.com are really appreciated. Maybe the hit counters reflect how many answers you provide get read, but they can't come close to estimating the value you provide to collectors, serious and not-so-serious alike. I appreciate it!
Thanks for your kind words.
2 F is the butt ferrule size:
The butt ferrule size is designated by "2F" or "2 ?F". The larger the number, the stiffer the rod. For three- piece rods, a 2F is usually a trout rod and 2 ?F is a bass rod. Yours is a trout faster action fly rod.
Antique & Collectible Fishing Rods: Identification & Value Guide Homel, Dan. 1997 (2nd edition 2000) add about 30% for age of book.
Bamboo Rod Restoration Handbook by Michael Sinclair
Generally Heddon is considered to be a medium quality / priced bamboo rodmaker.
Homel gives the 8.5 model #115 "Premier" fly rod with an extra tip, 3 sections a value of $85, 215 and $425 for poor, good, excellent condition respectively. I have done better than that last year.
I quote these books written by researchers so you know I am not making it all up, But I include my experience as well.
Please provide feedback, nominations are appreciated.
Great Lakes fishing rod
boat rod restoration