wright and mcgill trailmaster
QUESTION: I have a 6' 9" trailmaster no M6TMU line size 7 how do I knoe if its bamboo or fiberglass it is completely round also has a picture of an eagle with 1-H beneath it any info will help thanks
ANSWER: Kenneth, I am no expert on fishing tackle but maybe I can help you with this one. A bamboo rod is never completely round because the rod is made up of strips of bamboo glued together. Each strip is a three sided flat sided piece. If the rod is round it is most likely fiberglass if it is old. Most new rods are not either but of some kind of synthetic material.
I hope this is of some help. Thanks for calling me to answer your question.
Jack L. Gaither (JackfromSeminole)
Lake Seminole, Georgia.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Is there any value for the one i have
Kenneth, I am sorry, as I told you before I am not expert on antique or any other fishing tackle.
You might try writing to "what's it worth" at Bassmaster magazine (address is on page in mag). Or you might try looking in one of the search machines on the web or e-Bay. I am sorry I can't help you.
Wright & McGill Eagle Claw Rod