Heddon Blue Waters Bamboo Rod
Hi Rich,
I have a 3-piece Heddon bamboo fly rod w/cork handle. Just above cork one label says "Blue Waters" and along another side of the "hex" it says the following: "#10 - 8 - 1 3/4F - HDH or 6".
Can you tell me anything about this rod or any place that I could go to find out something about it??
Thank You - Pat
You have a Heddon which is a decent rod.
Heddon made the #10 , Blue Waters from 1934 to 1954. I am assuming from your brief description that it is a later rod because with 1 3/4F HDH or E written on the rod started in 1939. The reel seat is Bakelite and is common to that era. They made rifle butts from it too . It is a strong as wood.
Antique & Collectable Fishing Rods: Identification & Value Guide Homel, Dan. 1997 (2nd edition 2000) gives the value for the 8 foot model #10 Heddon trout fly rod, 3 sections , with an extra tip valued at $65, 160 and $295 for poor, good, excellent condition respectively. You could add 30% due to age of book. If presented properly you could get more.
1 3/4F is the butt ferrel size:
The butt ferrule size is designated by "2F" or "2 ?F". The larger the number, the stiffer the rod. For three- piece rods, a 2F is usually a trout rod and 2 ?F is a bass rod. Yours is a slower action rod.
HDH or E is line size equivalent to modern 5-6 weights
History of Heddon Rod Company
jay harvey cleveland bamboo fly fishing rod
South Bend Model #: 5256 bamboo rod with spare tip