Hurd Supercaster
Value of Hurd Super Caster with case. of all the pictures i've seen on the internet. This one would be considered mint condition
I am a bamboo fly rod man.
I usually tell people that you won't find much information on non bamboo fly rods. There is not much on the Hurd in the more popular rod books.
So I searched eBay and also looked in my Price Book: Antique & Collectible Fishing Rods: Identification & Value Guide Homel, Dan. 1997 (2nd edition 2000) add about 30% for age of book.
Homel has a steel rod , you did no say what yours was made of , but Homel gives the
"Supercaster" steel rod & reel combo w/walnut grip the value of $60, 110 and $195 for poor, good, excellent condition respectively. If this is not your rod please don't quote the price.
eBay has several that have sold for 100-300, but they might not be your rod. check it out. It is not always condition but also age and model that makes a rod and reel sell for more.
Lastly I recommend you search all experts - this web site - the question has been asked several times.
Please provide feedback, nominations are appreciated.
november browns
value of pole