Rod and handle
Rod, handle and case
Hi Rich,
I came across an older fishing rod today and have been trying to find some info on it and came across your page here at allexperts. It looks like a Bamboo rod in appearance but i think it might actually be fiberglass. The markings on the base of the rod read Heddon Glass Pal #G.C. 7051 - 6'. It came in a faux leather looking case and on the outside of the case there are some hard to read green lettering words that appear to read Heddon Deluxe Tubular Glass Rod and what may be GC 7051. It has six eyes and appears to be in excellent shape. I've seen other models by Heddon listed on ebay and online but not this particular one or the one piece six foot rod. Any info and value will be much appreciated.
If the rod has flat sides it is bamboo.
I fished a fiberglass spin rod similar to yours with a trigger finger grip. Loved it, wish I could find it.
You can see if your nearby large library has :Price Book:
Antique & Collectible Fishing Rods: Identification & Value Guide by Homel, Dan. 1997 (2nd edition 2000) add about 30% for age of book.
Also useful in proving bamboo is Bamboo Rod Restoration Handbook by Michael Sinclair , your rod is not in that book.
Quite a bit about Heddon in Classic Rods and Rod Makers Martin J. Keane and Classic & Antique Fly-Fishing Tackle: A Guide for Collectors & Anglers by A.J. Campbell
But Sinclair's definitive work is Heddon the rod with the fighting heart also by Michael Sinclair . His history stops before your rod was probably made. I believe it to be fiberglass, but the picture is unclear.
Homel give the "Heddon" #7105 fiberglass spinning rod 7' without an extra tip, 2 sections the value of $4, 10 and $20 for poor, good, and excellent condition respectively. 7051 is very close.
Spin rods just don't command value or history like the fly rods do. Same for fiberglass so be careful if someone on the web says it is worth more than $50 - ask for cash - you will probably get a different answer. People want the fiberglass to be collectable but it really isn't. So don't be surprised if you find little or no information on it.
I have no specific history or books on fiberglass, I believe they don't exist, but here's two web sites that on fiberglass:
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