Decal on the rod.
Tip of rod
Ok... I'm usually able to find the right info that I need online but I'm getting a little frustrated. I have a Shakespeare Howalo Wonderod. I'm trying to find some history, the patent number and the year it was made. I've seen very similar rods but none of them are exact. Its a 5'2" rod and the decal says "Howalo Wonderod by Shakespeare made in USA pat. pend". There are very similar model numbers that I found but none are exact. The one I have is model FKF no.1190L. Most of the rods I found online had the "1190L" correct but not the "FKF". They are either "FJF", "FJA",and so on.. I've looked on the US patent office, Shakespeares' website, Shakespeares' PDF file 67 page patent list, Ebay, and craigslist and nobody has my exact rod model. I'm beginning to think that I'm the only person in the entire world that has this rod!! It has 4 stainless guides and a carbon alloy tip top. The handle has the patent no. 2260204. If you can find ANY info on this rod, that would mean the world to me! Thank you!!
AnswerHi Jacob,
There is a missing piece on the should say Howald which is the name of the inventor of the process used on Shakespeare fiberglass rods.
I do not have anything that explains the FKF older Shakeseare rod I have says ECM on could be some sort of line size indicator or even the initials of the individual who worked on or inspected the rod. If it is someone's initials, maybe you have a rod inspected by a short time employee. I really don't know so this is all just guess work.
These old Wonderrods are fun to fish with and extremely durable. Lots have survived.
Value on a rod like this would peak at about $60 in Mint condition.
Thanks, Joe