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I have an old Milward Bartleet bamboo fly rod and I can't seem to find anything about such a rod so here's some element about it. The reel seat is above the cork and aluminum handle, it's made of flat sided bamboo tied every half inches. It is a 12 feet 2 hand and I have two tip piece (49'' and 49'' 1/2) the handle part is 50'' 1/2 and the middle section is 50'' 1/4. it weight 14oz and the diameter above the cork is 1/2'' The rod looks unused and the varnish is very clean the only marking is ''Milward Bartleet'' and ''Made in England''
Can you tell more about it, how much can it be worth?
Thank you
Your rod is a 19th century English rod and it is too old for my experience and knowledge. I stop at the 19th century as do my books. I am a US bamboo trout fly rod man but I know some guys. One in particular is Jeff 揋nome?Hatton of Gnomish Rod Works Paonia, CO email
[email protected]
He has written a great book "Rod Crafting A Full-Color Pictorial & Written History from 1843-1960 " which I own and has allot of wooden rods in it and he knows these really old rods pretty well. If you contact him tell him Mac from Denver sent you.
Also there is a page or less in "Classic & Antique Fly-Fishing Tackle: A Guide for Collectors & Anglers" by A.J. Campbell, page 218, which you may find in your library.
According to Campbell the firm of Henry Milward's, Washford Mills, Redditch, England, began as a small needle and hook making foundry sometime in the 1700s. They made rods, reels and tackle and won many medals at international trade shows between 1853 and 1922. So, they are an old and well established firm that produced good, mid-quality gear. Their split bamboo rods were marketed in Canada much more than in the USA. You may find more information looking for H. Milward & Sons, LTD, in the library or on the Internet including
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