Setting the hook on a musky
I found a area with plenty of musky and used 4" to 6" chubs for bait with a bobber.I have went through dozens and dozens and could never actually land the fish.They always seem to get off the hook every time.Please Advise!!!!!!
Sean S
Take me there!
Ok seriously...I would try suckers over chubs....a #2 or 4 treble just under the skin by the dorsal should suffice, hang it under a bobber just big enough to keep floating most of the time. Sharpen the hook as sharp as possible, it should be needle sharp. Get a large net, long needle nose pliers, hook cutter(good set of side cutters), and a good camera. Make sure you let them go after your fun with them...that way they can grow larger and be there for you and someone else to catch next time.
Salmon Trolling rigs
fluke fishing