casting distance...
Will a spinning reel out cast (distance) a casting reel if similar style rods are used (same material and stiffness), with the same weight lure (say 1/2 oz)? I fish from shore, and this is important to me.
Hi Vincent, I'm sorry it's taken a little while for me to get to your question. I've had finals this past week and really haven't had much the chance to get to my email.
Casting distance is kind of a subjective thing. I personally cast further with my spinning rod with most weights than I do with my baitcaster. Heavier weights, 1/2oz and over, though, fly pretty well from the baitcaster. A lot of it has to do with the reels themselves and the magnet resistence strength. As you become more comfortable with a baitcaster, you can reduce the magnet strength and can cast further.
Also noteworthy in making this decision is where you'll be fishing. If you're going to be standing amidst a shoreline covered in trees (at least in terms of castability), I would almost definately choose the spinning rod because it allows you to make odd casts without the fear of backlash. The advantage to the baitcaster in such conditions is that it provides a better drag.
The best advice I can give you is to experiment a little. If you have a baitcaster and are considering buying a spinning outfit, try one of your buddy's first. The same vice-versa, especially if you're thinking about switching from spinning to baitcasting. Once you get the mechanics down, it becomes mostly preference. Some people can cast a baitcaster further, but I think most people cast further with spinning gear.
Hopefully some of this provides the answer you were looking for. If you want to mail me back with specifics in regard to which reels and rods you have, or which reels and rods you're looking at buying, I'd love to be of some help. The products themselves determine a great deal when it comes to performance. If there's anything else you think I might be able to help you with, please, feel free to ask.
Good luck and Thanks for asking!
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