Unknown Fish1
Unknown Fish2
QUESTION: I have attached 2 pictures which were taken in NY in an area called Pelham Bay Park on 9/27/15 the mouth of the Hutchinson River as it flows into Eastchester Bay and onto the LI Sound by City Island.
The pictures depict a tremendous school of fish as I crossed Pelham Bridge on Shore Road.
The purpose of my inquiry is simple ....I'm looking for help in identifying the fish in the picture. Thanks!!
ANSWER: Hi there! Thanks for the pictures! That is amazing! Too bad you couldn't stop to fish! The area you describe of that part of the Hutchinson river, is more than likely around saltwater. The water in that paticular area is more than likely brackish. Meaning it's saltwater mixed with fresh. It looks to me that it's a giant school of Jack Cravell. A hard fighting fish, but not worth much for tablefare. It's a similar species to the bigger amberjack that's present in the northern Atlantic Ocean where you describe. I've caught some out in the Florida Keys before. They are a very colorful scrappy predator fish. More than likely they chased a school of bait fish up to this paticular area you mentioned. Lots of things are moving this time of year due to the cold weather that will be coming soon. They look like Jack Cravell to me. I hope this helps you, and thank you so much for sharing this great pictures. If you ever need anymore help, or have other questions, please feel free to drop me a line. Until next time, Take care. ;)
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QUESTION: What is the origin of the name ..... Jack Crevalle or Cravell???
ANSWER: Hey,hope you're doing good today.Sorry about that, it's spelled Jack Cravelle. Hope I didn't cause any confusion. Those are some great pictures by the way. Hey, I'm here to help anytime. Any other questions please feel free to send me one. Take care. :)
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QUESTION: Jack Cravelle is the name of a person. I was wondering when they named the fish where did the name Jack Cravelle come from.
Who is Jack Cravelle? .....I'm not concerned with the mis spell ...I would like to know how the fish got it's name ...........Thanks!!
AnswerHello! The name Jack Cravelle is the common name of a scientific name. This fish actual name is Cravelle Jack. It's catagorized this way because it's a sub-specie of a fish. It's not named after anyone with that actual name. I would have to get out my books on ichthyology to give you a more direct answer. There's a lot of science jargon behind the name. If you like I can most definitely provide you with this information. Let me know if you would like to have the information. I'm here anytime you need questions answered. :)