Hi Dan,
Where are the beds, what side of lake, pemperature of water, what to look for in general, thanks Mike.
The beds can be about any side of the lake. It is basically determined by bottom, structure and water temperature.
I would look for sand and rock bottom areas, with weeds and other cover close by. This combined with water temperatures in the 60's - usually mid-60's.
It is said that bass spawn on during the 3 days prior and past the first full moon and dark of the moon, after the water is sustained in the 60's. I don't know how true this is, but following a couple of "old timer" sayings this woulld be fairly close. They say when the red bud and dogwood trees are in bloom, the bass hit. That is always just before, or very close to the first spawn.
Hope this information helps.
Best of fishing,
fishing with snakes!
price of an old rod