old baitcasters
Good afternoon Robert, i have some old pfleuger baitcasters that i would like to set up and use. how should i lube them and what should i rig them with. ill probably be using them for trout in spring, fishing rivers and big creeks and pike and trout in northen ponds from a canoe , thanks ,Paul
First, disassemble and clean the reels. Then lube with a 3 in 1 oil. You will need to keep a can with you, relubing the level wind screw every 30 minutes of use. Tighten the end caps so there is slight movement side to side of the spool.
Practice casting with a weight, the trick is to learn to thumb the line to prevent backlash.
You will want to purchase silk fishing line, do not use monofilament...generates too much load/stress on the old spools. I believe Cortland still makes braided silk line.
Your out of my alley on pike fishing (I am a bass fisherman), but if your nostalgic, old globe style surface lures should work well.
1st tackle box