1st tackle box
My grandson is turning 7 next month. He has asked for a tackle box. In your opinion, what is the most appropriate for a very young beginning fisherman. Please elaborate on the contents as well. From my understanding, his fishing will be fresh water fishing primarily.
O.K. this is an easy question. The tacklebox should be double sided, light, and easy to carry. It aslo needs to be very very durable. Trust me if he's a fisherman he'll cherish it and keep it for ever. As for the contents you should have a small rapala, a small spinnerbait, some size 10 hooks,and the smallest bobbers you can find. Oh! Don't let me forget a little something special( maybe a pebble, shell casing, or a note). Hope he likes it. And happy birthday to him.
Fishing Guide
old baitcasters