company name on rod
Ends of rods
Dear Rich,
I am married to an avid fly fisher and wanting to do something nice I purchased online a 'antique rod' I am not sure what i was expecting but what arrived i would not say is '100 yrs' old or more as was told in the advert.
I am sending pictures to see if you can make out what this is before my husbands party in April for his 50th.
If it is not something that I can hand him, could you please advise me on what i am looking for so as to not fall into this trap again.
Kind regards,
GJ Anderson
I think he will appreciate it, as it is from his wife. He can hang it on the wall.
I have a few gifts like this.
Can you send me the advert? This rod is not 100 years old. It was made from 1946 to about the 1970s in Japan. It is worth less than $50 US or 37.96 Euro. May I ask how much you paid for it?
The metal is too new to be 100 years old.
This rod is not a good fishing tool, it is not even made of the Chinese type of bamboo (tonkin) that most vintage rods are made of. It is Japanese ,at the time considered to be junk.
I am an old guy and remember that made in Japan at that time meant the product was poorly made.
I will be glad to assist you in the purchase of a gift. Where have you been looking?
I just went to ebay UK, assuming you were in England, Scotland or Wales. Searched for "bamboo fishing rod" and found several Hardy, South Bend, and Walker which are reasonable priced around 50 Euro. Don't be surprised to see them also priced at 1000s ,too.
Please feel free to e-mail me
[email protected]
I wish someone had steered my wife on a couple of purchases, so it would be my pleasure.
Please provide feedback, nominations are appreciated.