Dear sir, In a inherretance of my father are several rods in good condition. We know it is a specialist world of those kind of rods. Could you give me a global estemate of worth? Rods are, Hardy "Richard Walker Avon "Palakona 1Lb B/S", Oliver England Mark V Avon, Hardy England "the Nusea Palakona", Milward's Spincraft Heavy 5/4 1b, Milward's Floatmaster 10 1/2 nr 5321, Milward's Spincraft Major 28 gr, Hardy No 2 LRH Spinning Palakona, Milward's Mariner 2676, Palakona 246936 "The Rotor Rod", Milward's Finmaster Salmon-Pike rod 86319. .b, Milwards Coltcraft 5732 9' Hopefully you can help me, because experts are not to be found here in The Netherlands
Hi Gerard,
I have found almost no information on these rods in my reference books. Most likely because most of my material is related to North America. I did find a web site that looks promising for you. Go to ( and look at the vintage rod links. There are some good descriptions of the various Hardy and Milward models and there are some links to vintage rod specialists and dealers where you can find some of your rods listed with prices. I believe these links, and any others you may find that are similar, will give you a feel for the current market prices on your rods.
I would add that you appear to have an excellent selection of high quality rods. You will want to take care of them and preserve them for the future.
I apologize for not being able to provide more specific information, but I suspect you will able to obtain what you need from the sites in the UK. Thanks, Joe
antique split cane rod and reels
Lake Evans, Quebec