cleaning fishing rod
QUESTION: I have a sage tcr fly rod and some of the guides have light corossion. Any products or hints how to clean. Also what should I use to polish my rod?
ANSWER: hello
can you clarify what your rod is made off? Metal, fiberglass, bamboo?
if the guides are simple steel, then I have used navel jelly and fine steel wool
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Yes the rod is graphite. Navel Jelly? Cool.
I would be careful about letting the navel jelly near the the graphite. If the corrision is light, the fine (0000) steel wool should work.
A paste wax would polish the rod - make sure the wax is not petroleum based. A generic furniture wax would work.
If your in a salt water environment, the rod should be cleaned after every use.
Winter fishing