UCO steelhead spin fly reel / Horrck
I found a UCO Steelhead Spin / Fly reel and a 13' 3pc Horrock rod when I purchased my fly shop in northern Michigan. Pere Marquette River Lodge.
I realize the rod isn't worth much but was wondering about the reel. I have not seen one of these before and was looking for history and value on it. I have the two together handing on the wall as a display at this time.
The reel is not in my book :
Antique & Collectable Fishing Reels: Identification, Evaluation & Maintenance Homel, & Jellison. 1996.
It is on ebay from 80 - $100.
I bet that Horrocks-Ibbotson is heavy and stiff. Is it a 2 hander ? Could you tell me the width , from flat to flat, just above the handle ? That would tell me probable weight and action.
Please provide feedback, nominations are appreciated.
Old Flies in Wooden Box
Hardy Bamboo rod serial # A.80058