Brim Fishing
I live in georgia, FYI, and I want to go Brim fishing not this weekend but the next but have hurd rumor (not a big fisher) that brim only bed for the first few weeks of summer and then head out towards the middle (of our lake). Do you think I may would have any luck brim fishing if I waited til the next weekend or do you think my best luck would be this weekend. Is there like a certain month brim stop bedding or something?
Amanda; I am sorry for not getting you an answer before this. I had one typed out but somehow lost it. I will try again.
Whoever told you that brim only spawn (bed) in the early spring does not know what they are talking about. Brim usually start bedding in late March if it is very warm and early April if March is cold. They usually bed around the full moon and then continue to bed on the full moon for the next three or four months depending on the weather. This means you can usually find some brim bedding in April, May, June and July sometimes even in August.
Of course they are not always the same brim bedding each time. While some stay in deep water longer than others and bed later while some bed early and then return to deep water. You can catch brim from the first really warm weather until just before it turns cold.
Probably the best bait for brim is the cricket while their cousins the shellcrackers like worms better. The only other bait that I have found to equal either crickets or worms is the fresh water shrimp but they are hard to get a lot of the time.
You can catch brim in deeper water too. I have caught them in water up to 25 feet deep. (that is about the deepest part of our lake) and in six inches of water.
I hope this has cleared that question up for you. Thank you for asking me to answer your question.
I am
Jack L. Gaither (JackfromSeminole)
Lake Seminole, Georgia
Length of line?
Garcia Conolon Rods