Value Heddon Pole
I have a Heddon Golden Mark 50 Pro Weight #7643-6' Lite. I believe it is a spinning rod and it is fiberglass. It has a cork handle. It was my father's and would like to know it's value for me not to sell. It is not scratched where the reel would be mounted and has original stickers on it.
Thank you!
It's a small thing but people who buy notice it immediately. You have a fishing rod not a pole.
Neither casting nor fiberglass command the value that fly and bamboo rods do.
Price Book: Antique & Collectable Fishing Rods: Identification & Value Guide Homel, Dan. 1997 (2nd edition 2000) add about 30% for age of book
Homel gives the 6 1/2' model "Pal Black Beauty" fiberglass spinning rod without an extra tip, 2 sections a value of $8, 20 and $45 for poor, good, excellent condition respectively. While he gives the Heddon "Golden Mark 50" fiberglass fly rod 6'6" (2/1) c.1960 a value of $8, 30 and $60 for poor, good, excellent condition respectively.
So you rod is somewhere in that territory - not very valuable.
Fiberglass rods have a following , you might try fiberglass information sites
Please provide feedback, nominations are appreciated.
Identification of bamboo rod
323-9 SouthBend Fly Rod