the reel
the logo
i have a baitcasting rod and reel from betts tackle from park falls wisconsin, there is a number on it (2104) and the length prited right next to the number(5 foot) the rod and handle can unsrew from each other, and it has a cork handle. i am asking you where i can find a price for this rod because i can't find anything about it online
please answer,
AnswerGood Morning Danny,
Thanks for asking your question. I am hoping you read some of the other questions regarding value of tackle and saw that I do not appraise tackle myself...seems everyone thinks they have a gem worth hundreds or thousands and most often, the truth is hard to swallow and it is worth very little.
I contacted Betts fishing tackle in North Carolina not long ago, trying to get some help with another rod and reel with the Betts logo. Evidently, the current Betts Tackle company doesn't seem have much to say about the Betts of the 1950's and I cannot seem to locate an old catalog.
I would like to encourage you to contact another expert on this site; Joe Douglas. He likes to do appraisals and may have some additional information on Betts.
Please Click on Joe's name and ask the same question of him. The pics are GREAT...a few additional would help him even more.
So even after you get the final information on your set up, just remember that any item is only "worth" what someone is willing to pay.
Thanks again for asking. Here's to hoping for the best!