found fly rod by ED m. hunter 81/2 foot
I found this fly rod by Ed M.Hunter it is 81/2 fool long and is like new how much could I seal for and do you no of some one that would be interested in it.
Your rod is obscure and I doubt anyone will know the maker so selling it is going to result in a low cash value. I have a couple of conflicting sources that say the rod was DeBell (Colorado reels and old fishing tackle: A collector's guide by Gary Carbaugh & Dick Spurr and Colorado Classic Cane: A History of the Colorado Bamboo Rod Maker by Dick Spurr)verses my memory which says its a Bill Phillipson rod. Neither of their names is on your rod. It could be a great rod but without recognition from collectors it's probably not going to resale over $50.
You did not mention condition.
Hunter was probably a well know fishing authority sporting goods store or outdoor writer in the 50s / 60s.
You might try putting it up on Clarks Classic Bamboo Classified fly rod site(its free# :
#you really need to check your spelling ,if you want people to take you seriously)
Please provide feedback, nominations are appreciated.
horrocks-Ibbotson rod
fall bass fishing lake seminole