I came into an L&C rod that I'm told is the virtual equivalent of a Heddon "Peerless" rod. It's seen better days, but if worthwhile, I'd try to have it restored. Two tips , one is longer than the other.
A broken tip always lowers the value.
If I see the rod or maybe even pictures I can verify that your L%26C was a Peerless, and tell you how I know. You could verify with Sinclairs book, below.
Antique %26 Collectible Fishing Rods: Identification %26 Value Guide Homel, Dan. 1997 (2nd edition 2000) add about 30% for age of book.
Bamboo Rod Restoration Handbook by Michael Sinclair
Lets assume your Lyon %26 Colson is a Peerless only for the sake of information exchange
Homel gives the 9' model #35 "Peerless" fly rod with an extra tip , 3 sections a value of $75, 175 and $310 for poor, good, excellent condition respectively.
I charge 35 per section plus replacement costs only, for any components, to refinish.
e-mail me
[email protected] for more info.
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