old metal fishing pole & reel
I have a metal True temper raider rod w/ A bronson Lashless reel on it. the #s on the rod are pat. no1755169 it has 4 eyelets and is square. the reel#s are model# 1700. if you could help I would aprish. very much. Thanks Lots.
Price Book rods:
Antique %26 Collectible Fishing Rods: Identification %26 Value Guide Homel, Dan. 1997 (2nd edition 2000) add about 30% for age of book.
Homel gives the True Temper Solid steel bait casting rods (1925- 40) with vinyl case the value of $4, 9 and $17 for poor, good, excellent condition respectively. So if it isn't a bamboo fly rod it is not very collectible or valuable.
Reel Book: Antique %26 Collectible Fishing Reels: Identification, Evaluation %26 Maintenance Homel, %26 Jellison. 1996. Homel gives the Bronson Lashless Model 1700 levelwind (c.1955) the value of $3, 5 and $9 for poor, good, excellent condition respectively.
I hope value was what you were looking for.
Please provide feedback, nominations are appreciated.
Lure - The Abyss
Capras by Sussex