Found 2 rods
Found these and they look old
1)Eagle claw lake & stream 1 no.WW 601-7 1/2 ft (229 cm) spin/fly
by Wright&Mc Gill co.
2) Eagle Claw Trailmaster no. trp600-7 1/2 ft(229 cm) spin/fly
by Wright&Mc Gill co.
under the eagle is 1)dw 88
2)tw 089
I assume your question is "What is the value of these rods "
I assume these rods are made of fiberglass (round) and not bamboo (flat sided).
I am a bamboo man not fiberglass. Fiberglass is just not collected like bamboo. It was made from the 1950s to the 70s. And spin / cast rods aren't collected like fly rods so low resale values. I have no specific history or books on fiberglass, I believe they don't exist, but here's two web sites that on fiberglass:
Your rods are not in Antique %26 Collectible Fishing Rods: Identification %26 Value Guide Homel, Dan. 1997 (2nd edition 2000) add about 30% for age of book. But he mentions a fiberglass spin rod which values at $9, 18 and $40 for poor, good, excellent condition respectively.
If they are bamboo and you want to try again, are the round or 6 flat sides?
Please provide feedback, nominations are appreciated.
south bend bamboo fly rods
orvis rod