Occupied Japan Tackle
I purchased a wooden box with a plastic slide cover that contains MAIKO OCCUPIED JAPAN flies, and other tackle. There is a fishing rod with a nice cork handle that came with it. The rod comes apart and stores in a cloth carrier with ties to roll it tight. What is the value of these items? Are there collectors for Occupied Japan Tackle? Thank you for your kind assistance!
Dot; I am not an expert on antique fishing tackle, however I do know that some things made in Occupied Japan are desired by collectors. I suggest you go on the web and search for antique fishing tackle or occupied Japan antiques. As I suggest to others with antique tackle you might write or otherwise contact Bassmaster magazine as they have a page called "what's it Worth" about antique tackle. You might have a gold mine there in that box. Good luck.
Thanks for calling on me to answer your question even though I know very little about your subject.
Jack L. Gaither (JackfromSeminole)
Lake Seminole, Georgia
Spalding fly rod
identify a fly rod