Line tangles on spinning reel
I bought a new uglystick rod and reel combo and no matter how I cast it the near the spool unwinds and creates backlash. I know this is common on baitcasters but I am using a spinning reel. I have also used other spinning reels in the past and have never had this problem. I am using standard 12lb monofilament test and am wondering if this may be a problem. I have also wound it with the spool of line both label up and label down. Would using braided line help? I have also heard of people placing their spool in hot water to rest the line but I would think this would rust the spool and remove any lubricant. Any advice on how to prevent this? Closing the bale manually doesn't work as the problem is that the line wants to jump off the spool not that the braking system is malfunctioning.
Hello there Luke! Sorry it took me awhile to answer you back. Normally I answer quickly. Crazy hours at the job.
Funny you mention this problem. I got my son a Shakespeare rod and reel combo from Cabelas earlier this spring. I think it's more the quality of the reel. At first I thought he was just having problems with casting......but it turns out I was back lashing it as well. I think it's the way the spool on the reel was machined. On the higher end reels, the spool lip is "turned out". Helping the line come off the spool evenly. Ugly stick rods are good, the reels, not so much. The fix....a $40 dollar shimano reel helped out my son tremendously. I would highly recommend looking into a better reel. This will help you out. Not to mention the money and headaches you will save yourself. I don't know why the reels on these types of combos are not as good as the rods. If you're unable to get a mid to upper range reel, the next best fix would be some Kevin van Dams line and lure conditioner. This helps relax the line and aids in keeping the backlashes to a minimum. But after the experience I had with my son's reel, this may be a temporary fix. I would fault the reel over the line your using. I really hope this helps you. If you need any more advice, or need help selecting a reel, please drop me a line. Until then, God Bless and good fishin' :)
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