off season studies for players
I'm a high school ladie's VB coach. Do you have any recommendations as to what the ladies can study during the off season? What kinds of exercise they should do? Any good websites or info. about plays, drills?
When you ask what the ladies can study during the off season I assume you mean volleyball skill wise. Any time they can get together and pepper or do wall/partner setting they should. As far as working out. Any plyometric workout would be good. Stairs, sprints and jumping will help their vertical.
I don't know of any web sites but if you go to and type in plyometrics you should be find plenty of web sites to help you with conditioning.
As far as plays and drills go, you have to be a little more specific........what do you want the drills to work on? What play sets are you looking for?
Hope this was a little help.
Volleyball refs
a question about volleyball!