how young to start club volleyball?
My 11-year old daughter played recreational volleyball this fall and enjoyed it. She tried out for a (12 year) club team and was offered a spot. Is this too young to join a club? What is the optional age? It's quite a committment given the cost and travel. Thanks.
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Your questions depend so much on the you and your child. I started Cub Scouts. I was DYEING to join it. After a month I hated it. On the other hand, I wanted to play baseball. Never missed a second for 4 years.
A) So, first off, can you foresee how your daughter will react to 3 formal practices a week? Maybe she's not ready for a coach who will deal with the girls like they're more mature than they are. Or maybe the coach will be the opposite: deal with them like their little girls, while your daughter is more competitive and wants to learn/compete. So, when you say "optimal age," that depends on the child's maturity, their interest, and their parents' persuasiveness/commitment/dedication to finish what was started.
By the way, I begged & begged not to attend Cub Scouts week after week. Finally my parents let me quit. Hated it. Other kids loved it, but it just wasn't for me.
B) What is "expense" to you? My girls on my 16 National team this season will pay about $1200 in fees. This doesn't count hotels, food, gas and any other team stuff that may come along. For a 16N team, many clubs think $1200 is a bargain! Other teams pay 3 times that much. If your fees are $500, then that's reasonable. $1000 is getting up there! $2000 is really high........where are they going? Atlanta? Dallas? Minneapolis?
C) How will your daughter handle the travel? Are there hotel stays involved? If so, will you be going? (No parents for 3 days freaks out some kids!) Do they have some 3-day tournaments planned? If so, is she OK with missing school?
D) Does she have friends on the team? Even if she is a really competitive/athletic child, most 11 year old need a girlfriend or two on the team. Being the only girl on the team from one certain school is really hard for most 6th graders.
You mention that she's been offered a spot. Therefore 11 and 12 must the be optimum age for some girls! In the larger cities, girls start at 10. Is 11 the right age for your daughter? That your family's call.
Being a coach of girls for a long time, I think the things I've mentioned are the keys for your daughter to have a successful season.....or the keys to have her wait one more year.
If I can ever do anything else for you, please let me know. And please visit You'll love the smiling faces!
Coach Houser
Volleyball Jump Program
Setter too short to play college ball? Really?