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size/type of volleyball for 10 year olds

Do 10 year olds play with a different size/type volleyball than high school students?

Good evening Michelle!  

Welcome to www.allexperts.com!  

I'm looking at the USAVolleyball rule book now.  

a) 10 years old can play on a net that's 6'6" tall.  11's and 12's can play on a net that's 7' tall.  When a girl reaches 13's, she must play on the same height that the older girls play on:  7'4"+ 1/4".  

b) The rule book says that girls who are 12's and younger at the Junior National Championships will use a ball that's the same presure and size; but is lighter.  I'm assuming that's a VolleyLite.  I used a few of them last summer for the first time when I directing a clinic in Martinsville, Va, and thought they were GREAT!   

Now, there is no mention in this rule book that the lighter ball is mandatory or even recommended at 12s or younger.  

Thank you for your question tonight.  If you ever need anything else, please contact us anytime.  

And please visit www.coachhouser.com.   We have directed 23 camps the past 2 summers in OK, Va, Calif, NC and SC.   We can't wait for summer 2015!  Also, I think you'll like all the smiling faces.   :)  

Coach Houser

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