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Wreck vs. Interference

QuestionHi Mark, Thanks again for your expertise on this site.  I cant tell you enough how much it has meant to those of us really trying to understa


sliding into home

QuestionHello!  A few questions for you today that I hope you can help out with.  I was told that the girls have to slide into home plate when st



QuestionGirls fast pitch.  Batter hits a hard line drive and bounces off the pitcher and hits the batter/running on their way towards first. What woul


scoring a runner hit by a batted ball

QuestionHow do you indicate in the scorebook when a baserunner is hit by a batted ball AnswerHello Alan, This would fall under the category of Runner Int


Interference call and wrong dead ball call

QuestionSituation was 14U NSA tournament game.  Bases loaded with one out - infielders in (at base lines or inside base lines).  Batter strikes b


base runners

Question had a situation where two girls running the bases were not paying attention the girl that was on third was told to go home and didnt. The other ru


base on balls and steals 2nd called out ?

Questionhello had a girl advance to first on base on balls pitcher not paying attention so she stole 2nd she rounded 2nd came to a stop and went back to 2n


Third out on an appeal play - does the run scored count?

QuestionThere was one out with runners on second and third.  The batter hit a fly ball to center field which was caught for out number two.  Both


softball delivery

QuestionQUESTION: I have a 10 and under girls team. We have a pitcher in our league who after becoming set takes two big circles with her glove and the bal


advancing runners on a ball thrown out of play

QuestionSituation:   Runner on 1st 1 out.  Line drive hit sharply to the shortstop.  The runner on first comes off the bag at the strik


10b girls fastpitch

QuestionWe had bases loaded, two outs, and catcher throws ball to first base to try and pick off our runner. First baseman missed ball, and it rolled into


14U Girls FP (ASA & High School rules)

QuestionHi Mark, I have 2 questions that relate to each other. 1.  I have read many answers to questions relating to stepping out of the batters box b


Runner Hit by Batter Ball

QuestionIs it interference when a hit ball strikes a runner as they are trying to advance to another base? The situation at hand was a ball was hit between


Previous answer

QuestionHi Dr. Ambrose, I was reading back through old answer, and this one caught my eye and I had another question about it: Just a little more info be


Fielder positioning

QuestionIn Baberuth girls 10u softball are there any restrictions on placing fielders or does the setup need to be 4 infielders 4 outfielders a pitcher and


Batters Box guidelines

QuestionIn my Adult Slowpitch ASA league some batters stand quite far from the plate, however without batters box lines, it is not clear if they are still


ASA fast pitch pitching rule

QuestionOur pitcher was called for an illegal pitch for going to her mouth without wiping it off.  The existing runners were awarded an extra base and


Calling Time

QuestionHow many times can a team manager call timeout an inning?  How long does a batter get to get into the batters box once i request a batter befo


running to first

QuestionI have a couple questions about womens ASA fast pitch rules. 1. Whats the ruling if the batter-runner steps back toward home to delay a tag?  




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