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training age

QuestionMY 7 tear old shows great skills and love for the game already. In our area, I am seeing a need for pitchers in the higher leagues. What age is rec


International Tie Breaker Rule

QuestionTwo questions: 1.  What is the origin of the title, International tie-breaker rule?  Is there any rule book that discusses the rules inv


hitting a change-up

Questioni help coach high school softball. we have a good hitting team when it comes to playing against good pitching teams with speed.  when we play


defending runner at third

QuestionWhat is the best way to prevent a runner on third base from scoring after a walk when the batter continues on to second base? It is very frustratin


Fielding the pitcher position

QuestionCan you offer some tips on fielding the pitcher position.  I coach a 14U team and have seen too many pitchers injured because they are not rea


Batting Box Dimensions

QuestionOur softball team plays at two different parks.  Our normal practicing/playing park has a different size batting box than our visiting park. &


Shortstop positioning with runner on second

QuestionMy sister is the shortstop on a 14U team.  Many times when a ball is hit her way with a runner on second base she seems to get hung up by the



QuestionWhat are the proper cutoff positions for balls hit to the outfield? AnswerCut-off playsTechnique 1. Cut-off person stands about 35 feet from int


1st base footwork

QuestionHello, In softball, the player starts about 5 feet in front of 1st base and about 5 feet inside the 1st base line.  When the ball is hit, shou


14&under asa girls fastpitch

Questionbases loaded two outs ,dropped third strike. batter runs. that puts  four runners on base. shouldnt  that make it a force at home.  


A couple of softball rules

QuestionIf the bases are loaded, then the batter-up hits the ball.  The runner on third makes it to home, but, the runner from second to third is out


Enter Re-Enter / Sub Controversy

QuestionWe were playing in an ASA event this past weekend and something took place and no one could give us a straight answer.  The Umpires could not


Position in Batters Box and Dimensions/Boundaries

QuestionThanks, that answer pretty much does it for me - Im assuming though that it applies only to when Im standing in the box waiting to hit.  Once


Pitchers plate

QuestionDoes the pitchers plate area extend towards home plate?  My question comes from the rule stating the pitchers pivot foot shall remain in conta


Pitchers release

QuestionI have a 12 year old daughter that pitches.  She has real good speed and control but she doesnt always let the ball roll off her fingers as sh


About fast pitch softball

QuestionI was wondering if you can tell me how to make fast pitch softball practice fun for girls 8,9,10,11,12,13 year olds AnswerThe key is Practice Orga



QuestionMy daughter is 10 and plays ASA Girls Fastpitch Softball. Please explain to me exactly the rule of INFIELD FLY RULE please.    &nbs


runner interference with a batted ball

QuestionThe umpire in a recent junior varsity softball game played on the east end of Long Island, NY called my daughter out for runner interference with a


catchers blocking the home plate

QuestionWhat is the official ruling for catchers blocking home plate? AnswerKen, great question! Since you didnt mention which organization, Im going to


Batter HBP

QuestionMark, 12U little league. If the pitchers throws a pitch and it bounces before the batter and then hits the batter, is this a dead ball or a hit bat

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