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swaping positions

QuestionCan you swap players to different positions in the same inning and not call a time out repeatedly. example: moving 3rd baseman to left field when a


Is it still a rule in slow...

QuestionIs it still a rule in slow pitch softball that if you foul off the third strike you are out? AnswerThanks for the question! Typically, yes.  


hitting the change up

QuestionI have a great hitting team both short and long game but no one can lay off the change up. What drills and strategies are out there for teaching


Positioning Players

QuestionWe play Babe Ruth Softball here and in a 12 and under game the other coach pull his leftfielder and move her behind the catcher to field pass balls


Time limit at the end of the game

QuestionI coach in a rec league and have been frustrated twice due to the time limit of our game. The umpire claims its ASA rules, but it sure wasnt when I



QuestionI play 14u competitive fastpitch and im scared of grounders. How do I get passed this fear. Help Please AnswerHello Amanda Remove the fear with f


case book

QuestionWhere can I buy a new ASA case book? AnswerThanks for the question! You can get one from your local ASA organization or you can get them from the


Attempts to distract pitcher from dugout

QuestionI was umpiring an ASA fast pitch 12-U girls game during which the offensive team would distract the pitcher, saying things like Your shoelace is un


Ball pitched in dirt

QuestionThis question pertains to ASA fast pitch 12-U girls.  If a pitch lands in the dirt before reaching home plate, and the batter swings and misse


Batter swings after ball is in catchers mitt

QuestionThis question pertains to ASA fast pitch 12-U girls.  If a batter swings after the ball reaches the catchers mitt outside of the strike zone,


Ball comes to rest leaning against home plate

QuestionThis question pertains to ASA fast pitch 12-U girls.  A batter hits a ball straight down onto home plate.  The ball rolls off home plate


Lookback rule, runner between first and second bases

QuestionThis question pertains to ASA fast pitch 12-U girls.  Bases empty.  Batter hits slow roller to second baseman between first and second. &


Softball bunting stance

QuestionI was reading through your website and had a question that has been in my mind for abit. I coach a 12U girls select team.  I focus on pitching


Lookback rule clarification

QuestionThis question pertains to ASA fast pitch 12-U girls.  The lookback rule uses the word immediately when describing the runners options to advan


scoring a squeeze bunt

QuestionOn a successful squeeze bunt in which the batter-runner reaches base due to a play at the plate.  The batter is credited with a run batted in


asa fastpitch softball situation

QuestionRunner on 3rd base 2 outs.  Ball is pitched home, in the dirt and gets by the catcher (batter didnt swing).  Runner comes home safely, bu



QuestionI have to come up with some awards to give out to my fellow team mates like Most improved player and such, and i was wondering if you had any ideas


fastpitch motion/snap

QuestionMy 9  year old daughter was told by a pitching coach that she has a natural turnover on her snap/release and she is pitching that way (succes


snap on fastpitch softball

QuestionDear Coach Antley, My 9 year old daughter was told by a pitching coach that she has a natural turnover on her snap/release and she is pitching th


covering home plate

QuestionI play in a mens church league which is ASA.  I am playing catcher for the first time and enjoy the position.  I do have a question. &nbs

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