2 part question...pitching & times
2016/7/15 17:40:17
Hey Mark, I am pretty sure I am correct in this as my husband is a picthing coach and we have studied numerous pitching films, however since my ASA rulebook is 2004, I want to confirm nothing has changed from 2004 to 2007 rulebook before calling out the pitcher at the next game. Girls fastpitch ASA rulebook states Rule 6 c.1 ~(female only)The pitcher shall take a position with BOTH feet in contact with the pitcher's plate. and e.2 ~ (female only) BOTH feet MUST remain in contact with the picthing plate at ALL times prior to the forward step. ....ok part 2...I can not find in the rule book anything on calling time...is there a limit on how many times (timeout) you can call in a game and is there a limit on how long thos times (timeouts) are...ie..30 seconds...etc? Thanks for your help!
Coach Rae
14U Girls Fastpicth
Hi Rae,
part 1 is still the same
part 2 you can have 3 defensive conferences per 7 innings and 1 offensive conference per inninng.. a reasonable amount of time is judged soley by the umpire
If your just asking about requesting time for something during a game, umpires can suspend play when in their judgement conditions justify such action. I think most of us act pretty reasonably if it's legimate. Again the amount of time is up to the umpire.
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