Daughters arm
2016/7/15 17:39:45
My daughter is 13, has been pitching for 5 years. Her pitching style has changed, the last 2 games that she has pitched have been ok , not the best.She comes off the mound with a bruised and swallon arm by her elbow, is that caused by hitting her side,we put ice on it and the swelling is gone the next day.When this happens she gets all upset and can't continue on, never seen my daughter like this before always willing to stick it out.
Hello Michelle,
Since I haven't seen her pitch, I'd hate to try and guess what is causing the bruising. What you suggested seems to be the most likely explanation. Have her concentrate on keeping her hips open a little longer and see if that helps. She may also be landing off her power line causing her to close the hips too quickly to compensate. You can also check this out, by having her draw a straight line in the dirt from the pivot foot toward home plate and see where her toes are landing on this line with her front foot. If this continues, I'd have her take a session with a pitching coach and see if he can pinpoint what is going on. If it is getting to point that there is visible bruising and swelling, then I don't blame her for not wanting to "stick it out". If you have a qualified pitching coach locally, he should be able to correct whatever is happening. Please let me know how it turns out.
Coach Mike
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