changing balls
2016/7/15 17:34:22
QUESTION: Is it up to the umpires discretion as to when a new ball is to be used in a game? Or does it have to be used at the top of an inning so that the visiting team and home team gets a chance to hit the new ball.
ANSWER: Hi John,
if you're talking about starting a game with 2 new balls and the ball doesn't go out of play in the 1st 1/2 inning, in the bottom of the inning we put the 2nd new ball into play. The pitcher has no choice in this.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Mark, I umpired this game and i brought the new ball in the bottom of the 5th inning. the visiting team protested and i told them it was up to my discretion as to when i bring the second ball in. I just want to make sure i was correct, as they thought it should have been brought in the top of the inning.
Hi John,
After the 1st inning the current game ball should be used until it goes out of play or becomes unplayable.
At the start of each 1/2 inning the pitcher may request a different ball from the umpire and select the ball they want to use.
That's about it, there's no rule that a new ball has to be used in the top of an inning but the pitcher could have stayed with the current ball unless you deemed it unplayable.
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