Interference by fielder..from soldier in Iraq
2016/7/15 16:59:14
Question from my nephew in armed services serving in Iraq by email today.. Slow pitch, if runner on first and ball hit into outfield gap (runner would have easily scored) and first or second baseman interferes with runner going to second. What is the ruling? What if SS or 3rd baseman interfere with runner as ball still in gap and he would have easily scored? Thanks for your prompt attention.
The question you are asking about is the obstruction rule. The defense obstructs the offense, the offense interferes with the defense.
When the obstruction occurs, the umpire is to judge what base they think the runner can get to absent the obstruction. They then protect the runner to that base. The runner does not have to actually attempt to get to that base. When the play is over the umpire will award a base or bases based on their judgement.
Those are the basics on the obstruction rule.
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