ASA - DP/FLEX girls Fastpitch
2016/7/15 16:47:54
At a tournament this past weekend I asked the UIC if I could put my DP in to pitch. And she said that out of the nine batters that are in the lineup that any one of them can be playing only offence. She said that I can put the DP in as a pitcher, and then the original pitcher only plays offence. Do they now become the DP? Does the DP designation move to which ever player is only playing offence?
My question is can I do this again and put the original pitcher (who is only on offence) in to play, say, right field and now the original right fielder is now only on offence?
How far can I take this?
Thank for you help. It is always appreciated.
Hi Doug,
The DP can play defense for anyone in the batting order. If it's for the Flex, they come out of the game, the game goes from 10 to 9 and that is considered a substitution for the Flex. That particular Flex can re-enter once. You can go back and forth between 10 and 9 as many times as you want in the game and have subs for.
Now to the main part of your q,if the DP plays defense for anyone else, that player continues to bat in their original position, is now playing offense only and it is NOT a substitution for that player. That player does NOT become the DP. The DP position does not move from the original bp listed in the lineup.
Yes you can have the player that is now playing offense only go back into any defensive position and put another player (other than the FLEX) on offense only. The DP (regardless of where they are playing defense) is now playing defense for that player. You can do it as often as you would like with as many players as you like.
Write me back if you need any more on the DP/Flex.
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