dropped third strike interference
2016/7/15 16:47:43
One out two strikes, R1 on 1B. B1 advances from the batters box towards 1B after a strike is called and is dropped. B1 called out on strikes. And since she advances toward an occupied 1B on one out, is also called for interference. The penalty for the interference, if I understand correctly, is the runner closest to home is called out. In this case R1 on 1B.
If there were multiple runners with no outs, the batter and runner closest to home are out. Do the other runner(s) return to the base they were on before the d3k pitch? Sounds like it makes sense but I can not find it in print anywhere. I believe the play is dead when the interference is called correct?Hope it does not sound too confusing.
Hi Robert,
"And since she advances toward an occupied 1B on one out, is also called for interference."
We have to start with the fact that a batter "just running to 1st" on a non D3K situation and drawing a throw is not interference. Even though it is not a "true D3K" they are protected from an interference call for doing that.
It is the responsibility of the defense to know the situation and to act accordingly.
If this was an attempted pick off play on R1 and the batter interfered with the throw or F3 we could have interference, but I don't get that from your q.
Just for future reference a general rule on interference is if a runner after being declared out interferes with with a defensive players opportunity to make a play on another runner it is interference, dead ball, runner closest to home is also out and all other runners return to the last base occupied at the time of the interference.
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